EnviroKraft™ corrugated boxes are manufactured using 100% Post Consumer Recycled fibers’. Most companies are concerned that recycled cardboard (32 ECT for example) will have the same strength as their 100% virgin corrugated sheet counterparts. However, EnviroKraft™ recycled corrugated boxes have tested at the same strength as those of the 200# cardboard variety. EnviroKraft™ corrugated is available in strengths from 26ect to 350DW.
Printing is also not an issue with our EnviroKraft™ cardboard boxes. We can print both gradient and screen printing onto the custom corrugated box giving it the same look that you would expect from a printed Kraft custom cardboard box. Also, if you are considering using EnviroKraft™ boxes for your corrugated packaging, you may also want to consider using vegtable based inks. Vegtable-based inks are more environmentally friendly than petroleum-based because they are manufactured with sustainable, earth-based materials.
The Yebo Group has EnviroKraft™ corrugated manufacturing facilities in Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA, San Jose, CA, Houston, TX, Phoenix, AZ and Chicago, IL.
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Outside of the office, you can find Charlotte soaking up the California sunshine, and enjoying all things food.

Meet Joydeep Bhattacharya, one of our Packaging Consultants
The true “Yes” man, coffee is for closers, but he does not need it. He is the “Yebo” man.

Meet Brian MacMillan, one of our Packaging Consultants
Brian the box magnet, has a can-do attitude and the goal to make you the perfect box for the best price.

Meet Joe Hartman, one of our Packaging Consultants
Your Trail Guide to bring you through the mountains of packaging possibilities. No wilderness is too tough to cross.

Meet Dave Rowden, one of our Packaging Consultants
Dave lives life on his toes and is always up for a new challenge no matter the complexity.
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