Ballot and Contest Boxes
Collecting leads is very important! What better way than provide ballot or contest boxes at key locations. We have a few standard designs available. Place your art on the dieline and your custom printed contest box or custom made ballot box will be manufactured. We can do a few or thousands. Quantity is not a problem.
Contact us today to discuss your contest box idea. 800-356-0267 is our digits or complete our Get Started on your custom box form.

Large Contest Entry Box
Style Ballot
Decoration Litho Print
Material 200E Kraft
Price Point $-$$

Ballot Style Box
Style Ballot
Decoration Litho Print
Material 200E Kraft
Price Point $-$$

Contest Entry Box
Style Ballot
Decoration Litho Print
Material 200E Kraft
Price Point $-$$

Contest Entry Boxes
We have standard size contest boxes. Just need you to come up with the graphics and your contest or data collection project. Call us for a quick quote and an easy to make contest box, including entry slips.
Style Ballot
Decoration Litho Print
Material 200B White/White
Price Point $-$$

Meet Charlotte Myers, one of our Packaging Consultants
Outside of the office, you can find Charlotte soaking up the California sunshine, and enjoying all things food.

Meet Joydeep Bhattacharya, one of our Packaging Consultants
The true “Yes” man, coffee is for closers, but he does not need it. He is the “Yebo” man.

Meet Brian MacMillan, one of our Packaging Consultants
Brian the box magnet, has a can-do attitude and the goal to make you the perfect box for the best price.

Meet Joe Hartman, one of our Packaging Consultants
Your Trail Guide to bring you through the mountains of packaging possibilities. No wilderness is too tough to cross.

Meet Dave Rowden, one of our Packaging Consultants
Dave lives life on his toes and is always up for a new challenge no matter the complexity.
Contact a member of our team today!
Fill out the form below and one of our packaging consultants will contact you to assist in finding the perfect packaging solution.